Chief Whip’s office attacked in New Ross

Two arrested following burglary and arson

The offices of Paul Kehoe TD and a local Fine Gael party organiser were damaged in the attack.

Government Chief Whip Paul Kehoe has said he is frightened and disappointed following a burglary and arson attack on his constituency office in Co Wexford.

Gardaí investigating criminal incidents in New Ross in which two business premises and a vehicle were attacked during the night arrested two men at around 3.00am this morning.

One of the premises was the constituency office of Mr Kehoe while the office of Martin Lawlor, a solicitor and local Fine Gael party organiser, was also attacked.

“I am frightened and disappointed that something of this nature would have happened and I’m not sure if it’s targeted or if there’s something sinister behind it but that’s up to the gardaí to find that out in their investigations,” Mr Kehoe said.


He described the attack as a “sheer act of vandalism” and said “what frightens me most is I have the office leased off for apartments up overhead and there’s people living in those apartments. This could have been a lot more serious”.

The Gardaí have said the investigation is ongoing and there is currently no evidence the attack was politically motivated.

Mr Kehoe said protests have been taking place outside his office on a weekly basis for the past 18 months and “if this is something in connection with it, it’s bringing protesting to a totally different level… you’re talking about people’s lives here and I would hope that there’s nothing sinister behind this”.

Mr Kehoe praised the emergency services and “the quick action of the caretaker” who heard the fire alarm and “sprung into action and called the gardaí and the firebrigade”.

He added that “the incident will not impact upon my work in the New Ross area and I expect to have my office open once essential repairs are complete”.

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin is an Irish Times journalist