Arrest over death of Dublin father of two

Keith Flanagan (36) was found collapsed at Patrick’s Quay in Cork on October 3rd last

09/12/2013....STOCK...ARCHIVE...WEB STOCK...generic pic of crime scene tape...Photograph: Frank Miller / The Irish Times keywords murder, gardai, incident, crime, security, news, Garda

A man in his twenties has been arrested tonight in connection with the death of a father of two who was found unconscious near a quay in Cork city centre last October

Keith Flanagan (36) who was originally from Luttrell Park in Carpenterstown, Dublin, was found in a collapsed state at Patrick's Quay in Cork on October 3rd last.

He was rushed to Cork University Hospital by ambulance where he had to have emergency surgery for a brain injury. Mr Flanagan died as a result of his injuries on October 5th.

It is understood he may have been involved in an altercation on the night of his collapse.


Gardaí in Mayfield, Cork who are investigating the death tonight arrested a 27-year-old man in connection with the incident.

He was arrested in Dublin City and is currently being detained at Clondalkin Garda Station under the provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984.