Containers prompt sinking feeling

The Irish Coast Guard believes the containers lost yesterday from a ship in stormy seas off the south east coast have “more than…

The Irish Coast Guard believes the containers lost yesterday from a ship in stormy seas off the south east coast have “more than likely" sunk.

Following an hour-long air search in the area this morning, the Coast Guard's Waterford-based helicopter found no trace of the containers lost from the BG Dublin coaster yesterday afternoon.

The 9,500-tonne vessel was on the last leg of its scheduled weekly service from Rotterdam to Dublin and on its way to Cork when seven containers went overboard some 25 kilometres south of Tramore, Co Waterford.

It is understood the containers contained firelogs, birdseed and sodium bromate, a chemical used in dyeing. While it is designated a hazardous material, the chemical is soluble in water and initial concerns that it might lead to a pollution incident have receded.


The Coast Guard helicopter began its search at 9am today and concentrated its efforts southeast of Mine Head. While the crew spotted three of the containers during a fly-over at about 4.30pm yesterday, they believe all of the containers may now have sunk.

Weather conditions have improved considerably today and visibility is good with south west force four or five decreasing winds.

The helicopter may conduct a flyover of the search area this afternoon, a spokeswoman for the Coast Guard said today.

The Naval Service's LE Niamh is also in the area and is assisting in the search.

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Iriseoir agus Eagarthóir Gaeilge An Irish Times. Éanna Ó Caollaí is The Irish Times' Irish Language Editor, editor of The Irish Times Student Hub, and Education Supplements editor.