Value for money

Hangover cures.

Hangover cures.

Berocca Plus - €12.90 for 30 tablets

Highs:Although designed more as a general vitamin supplement than a hangover cure, it is something many people swear by to get them through a painful post-Christmas party morning. Loaded with vitamins A, B and C as well as calcium and magnesium, it is taken after your night out (although a glass before you go out won't do you any harm). It smells and tastes pleasant, like a fizzy orange drink, and leaves no residue at the bottom of the glass. It's no miracle worker but it did seem to clear the head, and at 0.43 a hangover it's pretty good value.

Lows:All that energetic fizzing first thing in the morning may be a bit too much for the delicate of head, and the tablets, wrapped as they are like Silvermints, may be hard to access with a shaky hand.


Verdict:Good for what ails ya

Star rating: ****

Lifeline Hangover Defence - €2.99

Highs:Each box contains two capsules containing "activated charcoal", which we will have to assume is of benefit to "people who like a party lifestyle". This is widely available from chemists, shops and even vending machines in pubs. It deserves praise for being a no-nonsense, uncomplicated product: you simply pop the capsules within an hour of your first drink and you're all set - sort of.

Lows:It might be worth remembering that if you drink too much then nothing will stave off the inevitable horrors of a hangover, no matter how active the charcoal is. While this did seem to offset the worst of the PriceWatch research-induced hangover, there were still undeniable traces of furry mouth and thumping head the following day.

Verdict:Nice and easy

Star rating: ****

Bioforce Milk Thistle - €10.50 for 50ml

Highs:Taking a more traditional, less chemical approach to your nights of excess is appealing and when it comes to preventing a hangover you'll not get more traditional than 20 drops of this in a big glass of water. It is said to promote liver function and helps combat exposure to toxic chemicals (alcohol). A jar of this will go a long way, making it the best value of the products tried.

Lows:Counting out 20 drops while under the weather is a bit challenging but is nothing compared to actually drinking the concoction. While the Berocca tastes nice and the capsules taste of nothing, the milk thistle is positively revolting and is akin to drinking sods of turf. Of course, you've no one else to blame so you might as well take the punishment.

Verdict:Naturally vile tasting

Star rating: ****

RU21 - €6.95 for 20 tablets

Highs:By modestly describing itself as a "food supplement for consumers of alcohol" this seems to be hiding its light under a bushel. It seemed to be the most effective at lessening the negative effects of a night, er, consuming alcohol.

Lows:Mind you, that might have been because we were too busy following the instructions to actually drink anything. This really is a lot of work. You have to take two tablets before having your first drink then another tablet every hour up to a maximum of six tablets. There is a very real danger that you'll either forget to take the tablets halfway through the night or you'll spend all your time worrying that you'll forget to take them that the chances of having any fun might be dramatically reduced.

Verdict:Works well but a bit tiresome

Star rating: ***

Never Again - €3.99 for 10 tablets

Highs:This adopts an admirably blunt, does-exactly-what-it says-on-the tin approach to keeping you safe from the aftershocks of a night of boozing. "No more hangovers! Stop your hangover before it starts," the box shouts. You're required to take two capsules before drinking, two capsules after drinking before you go to bed and a number of capsules during drinking, and you should be all set.

Lows:It confused PriceWatch somewhat as it did not tell us exactly how many capsules we had to take during drinking so before we knew it we'd gone through a full box of 10 of the things. And when we woke up we still felt a bit grotty.

Verdict:A little woolly

Star rating: ***

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor