Byrne elected in Dublin City

The Labour Party’s Eric Byrne and Kevin Humprheys have been elected to Dublin City Council on the first count.

The Labour Party’s Eric Byrne and Kevin Humprheys have been elected to Dublin City Council on the first count.

Mr Byne topped the poll in Crumlin-Kimmage with 3,652 votes, while Mr Humprheys took 2,598 in the South East Inner City.

Former Independent councillor Joan Collins, who has switched to the People Before Profit Alliance, fell not far short of the 2,883 quota in Crumlin-Kimmage with 2,512 votes and looks set to take the next seat.

The third seat in the ward is set to go to Labour's Henry Upton, who had 2,068 on the first count, but the last seat will be a dogfight between outgoing councillors Fianna Fáil's Charlie Ardagh and Fine Gael's Ruairi McGinley with Mr Ardagh likely to be the loser.

Former industrial school inmate and writer Mannix Flynn looks certain to take the second seat in the South East Inner City.

There will also be a new independent in the North Inner City, who will be co-opted to take the place of Maureen O'Sullivan. Ms O'Sullivan looks set to top the poll but will vacate the seat for the Dáil if she wins the Dublin Central byelection.

In Cabra-Glasnevin, Cieran Perry - an Independent who narrowly missed out on a seat in 2004 - also looks set for success, with 14.19 per cent in tallies.

However the real story of this ward is the vast distance which has opened up between Fianna Fáil candidates Mary Fitzpatrick and Maurice Ahern.

Ms Fitzpatrick looks set to top the poll with more than 18 per cent of the vote. Mr Ahern -  on just 8 per cent - is facing the loss of his seat, his second loss of the day following the byelection defeat.

Ms Fitzpatrick's huge lead could be the result of Fianna Fáil voters' belief that she has been unfairly treated by the Bertie Machine, which has shown her little support in this or previous elections.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times