Bruton to discuss pay reforms

MINISTER FOR Enterprise Richard Bruton has agreed to meet the parliamentary Labour Party to discuss plans to reform controversial…

MINISTER FOR Enterprise Richard Bruton has agreed to meet the parliamentary Labour Party to discuss plans to reform controversial wage-setting mechanisms in the hotel, catering, security and other sectors of industry.

The parliamentary Labour Party decided at a meeting last Wednesday to request a meeting with Mr Bruton, and a party spokesman said a letter to that effect was sent on Thursday.

Mr Bruton said yesterday he had not yet received the letter but would be happy to meet the party on the issue of joint labour committees. Last night a spokesman said the letter had arrived, and the Minister would be responding today with a date and time.

Labour TD for Galway East Colm Keaveney said: “It would be premature to comment on what the Minister’s views are but the quality of what he brings to Cabinet can only reflect the quality of the consultations he has had in advance.”

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper