Brothers get life for Inchicore murder

Two brothers have been jailed for life for the murder of a father of six two years ago.

Two brothers have been jailed for life for the murder of a father of six two years ago.

Warren Dumbrell (34) and Jeffrey Dumbrell (28), both of Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin, were unanimously convicted of murder of Christopher Cawley (36).

Warren Dumbrell: found guilty of murder
Warren Dumbrell: found guilty of murder

Mr Cawley was stabbed to death outside a flat complex in Tyrone Place, Inchicore on October 29th, 2006.

The jury took six hours and eight minutes to deliver their verdicts. They found Warren Dumbrell not guilty of a charge of threatening to kill Janet McKenna-Cawley, Mr Cawley’s wife.


The court was told that Warren Dumbrell had 26 previous convictions including a 10–year sentence for starting a riot in Mountjoy Prison in 1997 while his younger brother Jeffrey had eight previous convictions.

They had been in custody since their arrest in November 2006.

Mr Justice Paul Carney at the Central Criminal Court sitting in Cloverhill, Dublin, imposed a mandatory life sentence on the brothers from the date of their arrest and remand in custody.

Mrs McKenna-Cawley said afterwards that justice had been done, but nothing would bring her husband back and that the three children who witnessed their father’s murder would have to live with it for the rest of their lives.

Det Supt PJ Browne described the two as a “pair of thugs” and he praised all the witnesses for having the courage to give evidence during the case despite “serious intimidation”.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times