ASTI set to reject public sector reform

THE MAIN second-level teacher union is set to reject the public service reform deal at its annual conference next week.

THE MAIN second-level teacher union is set to reject the public service reform deal at its annual conference next week.

Opposition to the deal was voiced at last night’s meeting of the standing committee of the Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland (ASTI).

ASTI’s larger 180-member central executive is likely to oppose the deal when it meets next Friday at the the conclusion of the ASTI conference in Galway. Union sources believe the executive will gain the two-thirds majority it needs to reject the deal. ASTI’s 18,000 members are set to ballot on the deal later this month.

The other second-level teacher union – the Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) – rejected the deal earlier this week. It is recommending that members should reject the deal in the forthcoming ballot.


The INTO is the only teacher union to voice support for the deal.

To date, there has been low-level disruption to the education service with teachers withdrawing from after-hours parent/teacher er meetings and school meetings.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times