Angela Loftus, Clare Active Citizenship Network

VOICES FROM THE FLOOR: I am very concerned at what passes for democracy and the lack of local input and impact into the decision…

VOICES FROM THE FLOOR:I am very concerned at what passes for democracy and the lack of local input and impact into the decision-making process. People are living the problems and very often have a better idea of the solutions – not all, but part of the solution. A very small group of people seem to be making massive decisions and on the ground you are seeing fear and anger and lack of hope.

I think today is a start but it has to get outside of Dublin. It has to practise what it preaches. We talked today about equality and Claiming our Future has to make sure it is about equality, about listening so that people really do feel they are part of the process.

It is a huge challenge in mobilising people. They have to have realistic expectations and know that this is a process and that change is not a happy clappy thing.

On November 12th at Cois na hAbhna, Gort Road, Ennis, at 10.30am we are having a panel discussion with regional TDs from all parties. It is to give the public an idea of what they envisage as alternatives because all we are getting is the budget.


I don’t know that getting out on the streets is the answer to everything. People do need to tap into their anger but it’s about saying to people that ‘you have a right to have a say but you have a responsibility too that you find a way of voicing your anger’.

I don’t mean getting personal with people but having your say in a positive way.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times