Ahern claims criticised

EXPENSES PAYABLE to former taoisigh should be drastically reduced and all payments should be fully vouched, according to a Government…

EXPENSES PAYABLE to former taoisigh should be drastically reduced and all payments should be fully vouched, according to a Government backbencher.

Dublin Labour TD Seán Kenny said: “Constituents have contacted me to express that this sort of expense claim is very difficult to understand when so many people throughout the country are having serious difficulties.”

Mr Ahern has claimed more than €260,000 in secretarial expenses since he resigned in 2009, far more than any other ex-taoiseach over the same period. He also claimed more than €7,500 in mobile phone expenses.

Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton has said retired politicians should “reflect” on the reduced circumstances of others and suggested their pensions should be looked at.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.