3 held after `vicious' attack

Three men were in custody last night in Waterford in connection with an attack on a petrol pump attendant, who was severely beaten…

Three men were in custody last night in Waterford in connection with an attack on a petrol pump attendant, who was severely beaten and locked in the boot of his car.

Two of the men, aged 18 and 22, were arrested on Tuesday and had their periods of detention extended by a further 24 hours yesterday. A third man, aged 18, was arrested yesterday morning. All three are being held under Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act.

The arrests followed the attack on Monday on Mr Jamie O'Sullivan (24), from Tramore, who suffered a broken leg and severe bruising.

Supt Michael McGarry of Waterford said they were getting "tremendous co-operation" from the public. "People are absolutely horrified that such a vicious crime could occur in this area."


Mr O'Sullivan's ordeal began at about 9 p.m. on Monday when he was approached by two men wearing balaclavas at the Maxol service station on the Waterford road, Tramore.

They demanded money, and after Mr O'Sullivan explained that he did not have access to the safe they forced him to drive them around Co Waterford for several hours in his car.

He was later taken from his car, had his hands tied behind his back and pushed into the boot, where he was punched and kicked in the head. "They then started the car and drove at terrible speed, banging into what seemed like trees and bushes for at least three-quarters of an hour," said Mr O'Sullivan, who is recovering in hospital.

After the men had returned to the service station, where they smashed two vending machines, Mr O'Sullivan was beaten with a golf club.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times