20,000 raised in record attempt by carol singers

Kilkenny's attempt to stage the world's biggest Christmas carol-singing service was unsuccessful yesterday, but organisers claim…

Kilkenny's attempt to stage the world's biggest Christmas carol-singing service was unsuccessful yesterday, but organisers claim to have established Irish and European records.

Despite "ideal" weather conditions the 3,670 people who gathered at the GAA's Nowlan Park stadium fell well short of the number required to topple the current world record. That is held by the Bob Jones University of Greenville, South Carolina, US, where 7,514 people gathered on December 3rd, 2004, and sang continuously for 15 minutes.

In Kilkenny yesterday crowds began to assemble from 11.30am. There was a sombre note when mayor Martin Brett called for a minute's silence in honour of Alan Cunniffe, the postmaster who was killed in the city 10 days ago.

After a "warm-up" programme which included Richie Kavanagh of Aon Focal Eile notoriety, the crowd sang a medley of traditional carols beginning with Santa Claus Is Coming To Town and ending with We Wish You A Merry Christmas.


Programme co-ordinator Mags Murphy of KCLR radio said the crowd sang for 31 minutes and eight seconds and that "despite the disappointment of not breaking the world record", they were "proud to have established Irish and European records". Ms Murphy said "half of the county must be hoarse".

Organisers said they were "adamant" they would "try again next year".

More than €20,000 was raised for local charities.

Michael Parsons

Michael Parsons

Michael Parsons is a contributor to The Irish Times writing about fine art and antiques