€10m aid package for Malawi announced

THE GOVERNMENT has announced a €10 million aid package for Malawi to ensure future food security and development in the African…

THE GOVERNMENT has announced a €10 million aid package for Malawi to ensure future food security and development in the African state.

The funding was provided by the Government’s overseas development division, Irish Aid , which hopes the package will enable Malawi to respond to challenges in the areas of agricultural production and rural development.

The decision was announced yesterday by the Minister of State for Overseas Development, Peter Power, who was visiting Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe, to officially open a new Irish Embassy.

Mr Power said he hoped the Embassy will strengthen “bilateral relations” between Ireland and Malawi, which received some €27million in aid from Ireland between 2002 and 2007.


Some €1.5 million of the new €10 million package has been earmarked for food security programmes, while €1 million will be spent on improving soil fertility.

“This package of support will go a long way to helping the most vulnerable communities in Malawi to respond to food insecurity and rising food prices,” Mr Power said.

A further €2 million will be used for work in support of the population census in Malawi and €1 million will go towards organising elections in the state next year.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times