Kim Wilde’s Christmas: Winter is my time of year and I adore snow

Rick Astley may hold Winter Wonderland against her but Kim Wilde is still a Christmas favourite

Kim Wilde had an evergreen festive hit with her version of Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
Kim Wilde had an evergreen festive hit with her version of Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

Pop singer and DJ Kim Wilde’s big hits Kids in America, Cambodia and You Just Keep Me Hanging On have stood the test of time – and Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without her version of Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. We asked her for her take on the festive season.

What’s your favourite Christmas song?

I’ve always loved Winter Wonderland, especially since Rick Astley and I did a duet of it on my Christmas album Wilde Winter Songbook. The video we made was especially sweet but poor Rick hated the fairground ride I made him take for one of the shots. Not sure he’s ever forgiven me.

And your least favourite?

I’m a sucker for all Christmas songs, even the really annoying ones.

What about movies?

We always watch Trains Planes and Automobiles, one of the funniest and sweetest Christmas movies ever made. Steve Martin and John Candy create comic magic together – laugh-out-loud stuff but heart-rending towards the end, when there are always a few tears. I’m not such a fan of the Home Alone films, except for the rather fabulous Catherine O’Hara, of whom I’m a huge fan in Schitt’s Creek.

What’s the plan for Christmas 2023?

I’m so looking forward to Wilde Winter Acoustic this December, decorating the tree, watching The Snowman on Christmas Eve and a Boxing Day walk with my doggies. Unlike many, I’m a real winter fan. My birthday is in November and I love cold, crisp days outside, then snuggling up by the fire on wintry nights. Most of all I adore the snow and wish for it every Christmas.

Vic O’Sullivan