What's Hot
Iontach maith
Gmail now in Gaeilge; Irish Sign Language Tours at Dublin Castle and Farmleigh in January and February 2015. More OPW Heritage sites to be added in Spring
Therapeutic corrective DIY
For January we're thinking of smartening up beds with crisp new linens from the sales

New gym kit
Doesn't make that 7am workout any easier, but at least we look good
That's amoré
We love the huge bag of good Italian coffee beans from Lidl for €8
Yummy winter warmer. Just don't call it Bambi stew.
Sort of naughty and nice
What's Not
Getting back on the treadmill
But oh so much slower.
Bins finally got collected
But where did that facial voucher go?
Dyed armpit hair
A trend for 2015, they say. Really? #dyedpit
The most necessary part of your cleansing routine but the most expensive, in the tiniest bottle and runs out first
Brass taps
They may have lured you at first but have you tried polishing them?
Alarmist weather stories
Stick to Met Éireann rather than doom-laden crew