The job interview that's a 10-day trip around the world

Forget your dream job. Here’s a job interview that involves globetrotting for 10 days, whether you win the role or not

Applicants who make it to the short list will be sent on a 10-day trip around the world in October

If you always wanted a dream job that involves travelling around the world, how about a job interview that will bring you on 10-day global trot?

Grant’s Scottish whisky is looking for a global brand ambassador and, as part of the selection process, the company will send the top three candidates on 10-day trips around the world, each armed with a suitcase of whiskey.

The three finalists will each be sent to three destinations in October - one will travel to South Africa, the Nordics and Colombia; one to Poland, Israel and India; and the final candidate to France, Russia and Taiwan. In each destination the candidate will collect a suitcase of whiskey and work with local teams raise awareness of the Scottish tipple. Each will be accompanied by a videographer to document the journey. According to Grant's, the candidate whose journey "best represents the spirit of the brand will be awarded the job".

The journeys mirror those taken by Charles Gordon, son-in-law of the company's founder, who left on a voyage to the Far East and Australia in 1909 to bring the brand to further shores. His voyage took him over a year to complete and this interview process is to celebrate Gordon's travels with some of the applicants even staying in the same hotels that he stayed in.


Before reaching the globetrotting interview stage, there are two other stages to navigate. The first involves showcasing your mixology skills by creating a drinkable "intriguingly different" concoction made from three ingredients – one being, unsurprisingly, Grant's whisky. Participants must name their invention and share it on Instagram or Facebook, using #GrantsInterview, in order for it to be judged on "distinctiveness", "intrigue" and "creativity".

The invention might need an inspired name because it also has to demonstrate the brand’s core value of “collective achievement”…not easy in three ingredients.

The top 250 applicants will be asked to fill out an application form and from this, 20 will be invited to the original Grant's Distillery in Dufftown, Scotland for a "mixer" event. The company is choosing to keep its own intrigue about this with information on "challenges relevant to the job" to be confirmed later. From here, the three who show the most potential – and who do not partake in any "bad behavior" – will be sent on the 10-day trips in October, the final stage in the application process.

The role of brand ambassador involves plenty of global travel, the compmany says, and working with the its sales and marketing team in London. The salary has not been listed, but is "good" according to Oliver Dickson, the global brand director. In a press release, he said the job offers "travel, freedom, independence and a good salary too". "We wanted an interview process to match the exciting and challenging nature of the role."

Entrants must be 25 or over, have an up to date passport (it’s a requirement that it is valid for at least six months at time of entry) and can enter via Applications are open until August 31st and each applicant can share up to three drink inventions before this date.