It's Friday but what else is making you happy? Tell us by emailing or using #IrishTimesHappy on Twitter. This week's answers are below:
Lying here with my 12-week-old baby boy who’s asleep while all the big kids have gone to school. I should be tidying but . . . – @carcollins
Watching red squirrels stealing my walnuts – Vincent

rescued beautiful Kali from abusive home, rehomed her last week, now get happy daily updates from her loving new family #IrishTimesHappy
— Lucie K (@Luciek11K) October 23, 2017
#irishtimeshappy Halloween scary chalk drawings my kids did before school this morning.
— oneflawediris (@livdurnin) October 23, 2017
A sunbathing, mediating pile of lemurs at @DublinZoo. #IrishTimesHappy
— Vanessa Ronan (@VRonan) October 23, 2017
Halloween scary chalk drawings my kids did before school this morning – @livdurnin
The contented look on my terrier Nelly’s face when she is getting her head stroked – Seán
When the kids get on – @UkiyoBar
The possibility of Eir restoring my internet connection after #StormOphelia. Because I believe in hope – @bibibaskin
I know there’s such a long way to go yet, but I’m happy about the huge positive steps I’ve seen towards women’s equality – @MirrorImagez
A sunbathing, meditating pile of lemurs at Dublin Zoo – Vanessa
Just opened the (official) invite to my eldest daughter’s wedding in Dec (we both cried) – @NursepollyRgn
Just collected a very generous donation for @HomelessPeriodD from the 5th-year students at St Mary’s, Glasnevin – @ClaireH