What’s making you happy? Spring days, pancakes and a positive pregnancy test

Here’s what is making Irish Times readers happy this week

Each week we ask what’s making Irish Times readers happy. You can join in by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweeting using #IrishTimesHappy. Here is a selection of the responses this week:

An extra few minutes of daylight, stronger sunshine , rising daytime temperatures and witnessing the dying of those endlessly long, dark, dank days of winter – Mark

Getting a positive pregnancy test a month after our cancelled IVF. Life is mysteriouly, beautifully random - Anon

Pushing an empty buggy as my 3 year old son travels to the nearby crèche on his scooter - Don


A flock of lapwings that were flying against a backdrop of a bright blue sky. Suddenly they veered to the east and when they turned they sparkled in the suns shine - Lesley

My son Jake made me very happy getting up at 7am to make pancakes for everyone. My own personal masterchef - Carmel

Jake making early morning pancakes made his Mum #IrishTimesHappy
Jake making early morning pancakes made his Mum #IrishTimesHappy

Making pancakes from scratch and having a flipping good time with the children I teach in school today - Margaret