Tell us what’s making you happy by emailing or tweet us using #IrishTimesHappy. Here are this week’s responses:
Looking at my husband and son (pictured) swimming at Carramore Beach Louisburgh Co Mayo, at 7.15 am this morning, before dropping son off at Knock Airport as he headed back to London – Clare @clare_duignan
My kids are now too big to be excited about stumbling upon a fairy door (pictured) while out for a run, but I'm not! – Gaye @brennangaye

The thought that I am moving home to Ireland in 12 days after so long away is making incredibly happy and excited – Lisa @lisatk
All the baking books out; visitors coming. Kids covered in flour, baking up a storm! – Anne @galinwellies
My 4 year old granddaughter asking that I play a Guy Clarke CD in the car and listening to her sing along, word and note perfect, to several songs – Jim via email
There's a buzzard making buzzard noises in the sky. It's a rarity for me. It makes me #IrishTimesHappy – Bibi @bibibaskin