Tired and emotional online? There's an app for that

SMALL PRINT: LAST NIGHT Never Happened is the world’s first “morning after” app

SMALL PRINT:LAST NIGHT Never Happened is the world's first "morning after" app. It deals with that awful moment the next day when you realise that last night's drinking may have prompted some frank, forthright, overly personal and dreadfully embarrassing posts and comments on your social-networking sites.

Once installed, the app links to your Twitter and Facebook accounts and allows you – on mature reflection – to delete posts, tweets and photos for a chosen number of hours from the evening before.

It may seem like a gimmick but the sobering fact here is that status updates, comments, opinions or declarations of love that have been posted while under the influence can cause lasting damage – and not just to relationships.

With social networking still relatively new, some people just don’t understand that what goes up, stays up and what may seem at the time to be a “bit of fun” may not be interpreted that way by others.


And, the morning after may well be too late, as those posts you now bitterly regret will have been out there for a few hours already.

When pressed into action, the app will permanently delete all activity from the time frame you have selected. A handy extra here is that you can replace your drunken ramblings from that selected time with more benign messages.

Currently available only in the US iTunes store (where it’s doing brisk business) the Last Night Never Happened app will be coming our way later this year.