The Women’s Podcast: ‘Who is your favourite feminist and why’?

On International Women’s Day, we want to know about your favourite feminists, male or female

Each week, The Women’s Podcast asks listeners a question and in the latest episode presenter Kathy Sheridan has International Women’s Day in mind. The question this week is ‘who is your favourite feminist and why?’

“We want to know which of the many feminists making waves at the moment are your favourites,” she said. “And we don’t just want female feminists as we know there are plenty of men out there doing great things for the cause”.

Email your responses to @itwomenspodcast or get in touch through Twitter or Facebook @itwomenspodcast. Tell us about your favourite feminists and why they are worth a hat-tip on the next episode of the podcast.

Last week’s question was a reference to The Irish Times’ Irish Women of the World’ magazine which comes free with the newspaper on March 8th and profiles Irish women pursuing careers in every sector, from space exploration to academia to Hollywood.


We wanted to know: Who is the most influential woman in your world and here’s a selection of your responses:

Siun Ni Dhuinn emailed us to say: “My mother has had the biggest influence on me; she’s 71 and her stamina to survive difficult situations is awesome.”

Emer Sugrue wanted to pay tribute to her sibling. “The woman who influences me the most is my incredible sister Karen who has degrees coming out her ears and does the work of at least five people.”

Maria says that the women who influence her world are women like Marian Keyes, Deirdre O’Kane and Tara Flynn because they are, says Maria, “funny, smart, strong, resilient, talented and with beautiful hearts”

The episode also features three women fighting for human rights in their countries. They were brought to Dublin by Front Line Defenders, a group that protects people who work, non-violently, for human rights and put their own lives at risk in the process.

And the playwrights behind Granuaile Pirate Queen came in to talk about what a medieval pirate queen can teach young girls today. The play is on in Axis Ballymun in Dublin until 16th March. For more information, go to

Next week’s show is a live recording of a Waking the Feminists International Women’s Day event at Liberty Hall. Individual episodes of the podcast are available on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and on