Ruth Medjber’s Christmas: ‘Love Actually is shockingly bad’

The music photographer on Irish jewellery, tacky decorations and meeting pals in pubs

Ruth Medjber

How big are you going on Christmas this year?
My Christmas is not really about family, because we don't have a large family and my dad's Muslim and Mam is Catholic, and they'll do their own Christmas. For me it's about sitting in pubs trying to see everyone that you haven't seen all year, and I'll go big on that. Christmas at Whelan's is magic. All the Dublin musicians come in after the Christmas busk on Grafton Street, you a have bit of a sing-song, see the same faces, and everyone's full of hugs … although we don't know how that's going to be this year.

What decorations do you go for?
I buy a little repottable tree, and I plant it in my folks' garden after because I like to keep the trees alive. I have a collection of tree ornaments of things like robots, dinosaurs and vegan food items. And I'm big on the tacky stuff, like the 1980s stretchy decoration that folds out like a concertina.

Best and worst Christmas films?
The original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is pure Christmas. It has that sense of nostalgia I crave at Christmas. But Love Actually is a terrible movie, and it hasn't stood the test of time. You just think, 'These people are awful. What they're doing is really wrong and they all need therapy'. It's shockingly bad.

Best Christmas present?
In 1995 I got this rollerskating doll that actually rollerskated. That has clouded my vision throughout my life, and now I'm addicted to rollerskating. And an old boyfriend gifted me a camera bag about 12 years ago, and I use it every single day. It's almost become part of me.


What's on your wish list?
My family aren't into presents and I'm single, so having a wish list is pointless. But I'm probably going to treat myself to some new Irish jewellery – I'm big into Irish-designed jewellery like Edge Only.

Favourite part of the Christmas meal?
The Christmas meal is always a hard one for vegans. Can I say the wine?

What's the most irritating thing about Christmas?
The fact that the shops put up Christmas decorations in August. That's just shocking and horrible, and it takes the fun out of it.

What's on your Christmas jumper?
I wear all black as a rule, so maybe at Christmas I'll change to red but generally I can't stand Christmas jumpers.

For more on Ruth Medjber's photography, see