From Rachel to her Dads: ‘You did the right thing’ and ‘You are my hero’

Rachel Kelly, Dublin

Dear Dads,

To the man who decided at 22 that he was too young and immature to raise a baby, I say thank you for making the brave, responsible decision to put me up for adoption. Your selfless act enabled me to have a privileged upbringing in the care and love of the most amazing parents. Whilst I may never know who you are, I will always remember you with gratitude and admiration. This Father’s Day I want to assure you that I’m happy and content and that you did the right thing.

To the man who changed my nappies, taught me to ride my bike and drive a car, sat with me with broken bones and broken hearts and provided me with every opportunity life could offer I want to say thank you and I love you. Who needs biology when you have shared values, dreams, experiences and memories.

Dad, you are my hero, not only for opening your heart and your home to me when I was a baby but also for being an inspiring man who gives so much to his family, community and those in need. I am so proud to say I’m your daughter.


Happy Father's Day.
Love Rachel