From Caroline to Robin: ‘You make a poached egg to rival Delia’s’

Caroline Gill, Scotland

Dearest Robin,

This is why you deserve to see your name in lights in your favourite newspaper supplement. (A bit of bribery here to make sure this gets printed).
1. You go out in your dressing gown in the bitterest of winter mornings and start all your daughter's cars so they are defrosted and warmed up by the time we leave.
2. You make a poached egg to rival Delia's for my Mum in bed every Sunday morning.
3. You let my sister and I get every pet we've ever wanted.
4. You are able to catch bees in your bare hands. (This is the ultimate Great Dad Test).
5. Despite my single status you make me feel like I'm not Bridget Jones and more Bridget Bardot.
6. You check our oil, tyres and water before we go on road trips.
7. You get really excited about family holidays (as long as they're in Donegal, none of this sun and sand nonsense) and as we pull out of the drive and I clock you in the mirror you look about 20 years younger.
8. You have backbone and integrity and have never let me down except for when you forgot about picking me up after hockey practice and my legs turned blue waiting for you.

I’m relocating home to Portadown soon from Scotland and I count myself the luckiest girl alive to be able to wake up in a home with a wonderful man like you. (That and the fact my car needs oil).

Love Budley xo