Share your story: Have world events prompted you to return to live in Ireland?

We would like to hear about your experience about finding a home and living in Ireland again

Did the Covid-19 pandemic prompt you to return to Ireland? Or perhaps you decided to leave the country you were residing in and return to Ireland because of a changed political landscape – such as Brexit or US president Donald Trump.

Whatever your experience, The Irish Times would like to hear from you.  How did you find searching for a new home? How did you negotiate the process of moving back? What are your future plans?

You can use this form to submit your experience. Please include dates where appropriate (max 400 words). You can attach a photograph if you wish. If you would like to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission.

A selection of responses will be published online and/or in print in the Homes & Property section of The Irish Times. Please note that it will not be possible to publish every submission we receive.


If you are reading this in the app, click here. If you prefer to email, you can send your submission to

Thank you.