Share your story: Has the pandemic changed your life for the better?

While Covid-19 has left a trail of destruction, for a few people 2020 will be the year their lives changed for the better

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of almost every person in the world – some by just a little, most by a lot.

Unfortunately, for many people, the virus’ impact has been devastating - lives have been lost, mental and physical health has suffered, wages cut, jobs terminated, opportunities forfeited.

However, 2020 will also be the year some people’s lives altered for the better – with the pandemic, directly or indirectly, causing a major change in their circumstances.

Maybe it resulted in a new career, perhaps family circumstances changed, or there was a reconnecting with old friends, or new ones found.


Whatever it was, we’d like to hear about it. You can attach a photograph if you wish.

A selection of your responses may be published on

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Thank you.