I have a little secret
that I'd like to share,
it's a very special secret
for children everywhere.
Sometimes when it's cloudy,
when the sky is dark and grey,
I think the blue sky's gone forever
and the clouds are here to stay.
Sometimes when I'm sad or cross
and worries fill my mind,
I think that things will never change,
that life is so unkind.

Then I use my magic secret
and it works so well each time.
I put my hand onto my tummy
and everything is fine.
I feel my tummy moving
as I breathe nice and slow.
I know I'm in the here and now,
I let my worries go.
I listen to my breathing
and forget about the rest,
my mind has started clearing,
this secret is the best.
Then, as if by magic,
I feel good again,
my mind is slowly clearing
and the sun is shining in.
Now my mind is calm and clear,
it's like the bright blue sky.
My thoughts are just like clouds
they're only passing by.

Now you know the secret
to a calm and happy mind.
Just listen to your breathing –
it's always there, you'll find.
It clears away your troubles
until you're calm inside.
It clears away the clouds
to show the bright blue sky.
– From "It's Always There", one of a series of new books aimed at children (4-12). Written by Louise Shanagher and illustrated by Rose Finerty, the "Mindfully Me" series is available in bookshops and Lilliput Press. Louise is doing a free Mindfulness workshop in Hodges Figgis, Dawson St, Dublin 2, on April 4th at 11am.