Health Scan: Aoife Molloy

Aoife Molloy: hopes to get back swimming again.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
My lifestyle now compared with my lifestyle in university is so much healthier.

At varying points through my 20s I gave up smoking, cut back on the wine and gradually developed a liking for vegetables.

I’m much more likely these days to follow the mantra “early to bed and early to rise”, and feel much better because of it.

How often do you exercise?
Finding time to exercise when you're a working parent is hard.


I’d love to count the 20 times a day I run up and down the stairs but realistically my exercise at the moment is limited to my Pilates class which I love.

My New Year’s resolution is to get back swimming again, I did a lot of that in the past and always felt great after it.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?
Yes, I love fruit in particular, I'm going to turn into an orange one of these days. But I guess the vitamin C keeps those colds and flus away, especially in the winter months.

Do you worry?
I try not to worry. I tend to push things I'm tempted to worry about to the back of my mind as much as I can, although I don't think that course of action is ideal either.

What do you do to relax?
I play [smartphone game] Candy Crush to relax. I find it very therapeutic.

What's your worst habit?
Playing too much Candy Crush.

Aoife Molloy is a pharmacist working with Nurofen for Children to raise awareness of fever management.