Why I Love . . . hot yoga

It’s the best stretch you’ll ever get, and you sweat, a lot, which feels like the best detox

Hot yoga: it’s the perfect complement to weight training or cardio

I first tried hot yoga when I was living in Sydney in 2004. Bikram was on trend at the time and there was a studio close to where I lived. I needed to find a way to manage stress, and for me, yoga was that solution. I loved practising, and really caught the bug for it while I was in Australia.

Fast forward to five years ago, when, back in Ireland, I heard Boss Hot Yoga was opening in Stoneybatter. It's perfect for me, as I live in the area and my studio is there too. I've been going ever since.

I attend classes twice a week, though with my own business and small kids, it can be a challenge. There’s a range of classes to choose from, most of which are fast-paced. Every class is a different sequence of yoga poses. That’s one of the things I love about it most, the constant movement means you could never get bored.

Community feeling

What do I love about hot yoga? Well, you sweat a lot which feels like the best detox. It is also the best stretch out you will ever get, as the heat warms up your muscles, allowing you to stretch more than you would do in a normal yoga class.


I love the community feeling in my classes too. Some of the poses can be a real challenge, I think most people will have areas they struggle with, and mine is upper body strength. But, for anyone interested in trying hot yoga, I would say go for it – it’s the perfect complement to weight training or cardio. For me, getting to dash to a class after a long day is a saving grace and worth the sweat.