Grown-up goodies

The pleasures of a grown-up Christmas are many, and memorable, and not always easy to get right. You could, however, find gratifying resolution in a wooden gift basket from The French Paradox wine shop and bar in Ballsbridge.

Priced from €12.95 upwards they’re filled with fine small estate wines, foie gras, truffle oils, caviar, cheese, Pineau des Charente’s and Merlet liqueurs.

Tanya at The French Paradox says they intend celebrating the 12 days of Christmas “in true grandeur from the 12th of December till Christmas Eve with a series of impressive gifts given with all baskets bought over €65.”

For more immediate pleasure you could trot along to a Wine Bar tasting and, for Euro15, enjoy a Single Vineyard Port, three wines and Cocoa Atelier chocolate. It’s all happening between now and Christmas at 53 Shelbourne Road.

