Kohlrabi with tahini and saffron dressing

Kohlrabi with tahini and saffron dressing
Serves: 4
Course: Salads
Cooking Time: 0 hr 10 mins


  • 1 large pinch of saffron
  • 100ml tahini
  • 1 clove of garlic, finely minced
  • 30g honey or maple syrup
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 large kohlrabi (purple or green)
  • 2 large eating apples. Granny Smiths are ideal for this
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 50g fresh dill
  • 50g parsley

Infuse the saffron in a couple of tablespoons of boiling water. Let this rest for about 10 minutes. Add the tahini, garlic and maple syrup and blend to a creamy consistency. Season.

Use a Japanese mandolin to cut match stick sizes of both the apples and kohlrabi. Toss in a bowl with the lemon juice and the fresh herbs. Spoon over your rich, nutty, tahini dressing and serve immediately.

Jess Murphy

Jess Murphy

Jess Murphy, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a Kiwi chef living on the west coast of Ireland