My guilty pleasure: Lisa Hannigan’s ‘shame toast’

‘It is a combination of carbohydrates and fat which no other person on earth has ever found appetising’

Throughout Food Month we will have a daily “Guilty Pleasure” feature where well-known faces share their secret treats, from the delicious to the daring to the downright strange. And you can win a great prize if your share your guilty pleasure with us. See below for details

“My food-based guilty pleasure would have to be what my friend Úna refers to as my ‘Shame Toast’– potato salad on brown toast with cheese and pepper. It is a combination of carbohydrates and fat which no other person on earth has ever found appetising.

“I started eating it as a student, when I first moved out of my very healthy and well-fed home and relished being let loose in a world of processed food. There is a certain type of hangover (existential crisis meets ravenous anarchy) for which only this will do. It starts with that skinny McCambridge bread (not for reasons of health of course, just that I can’t be doing with cutlery), toasted twice til it’s crispy, then well buttered. Next I find potato salad of questionable quality, where the potatoes are diced small and there are unidentified green flecks in the mayo. This is so the proportion of potato to mayonnaise is of suitable decadence. Then I grate some strong cheddar on top and sprinkle on a bit of black pepper.

“Please, for the love of God, do not attempt it at home. Let’s pretend this never happened.”


Details on singer Lisa Hannigan's music and gigs can be found at ] in new window ]