A six-pack of cans once signified all that was wrong with the world of beer. Bland and mass produced, it marked the triumph of cheap beer in the marketplace.
And it didn't help that people sometimes drank them in fields, for prolonged periods while sitting on the couch, or that the likes of Homer Simpson was a fan.
But then this whole craft brewing thing came along, changing styles and tastes – and, well, tinnies have become kind of cool.

Like many of the trends in craft beer that arrive here, the use of cans started with the microbreweries in the US – among them Oskar Blues with its quintessential Dale's Pale Ale.
Irish craft brewers later followed suit, with Metalman in Waterford the first to get a canning line and to bring its smart, Art-Deco-style cans to the shelves.
Now you can get anything from a double IPA to a Bramley apple-infused Saison in a can. And not only that, it’ll probably look good too with many craft cans getting slick or wacky and colourful designs.
Cans have plenty of benefits. They’re quick chilling, lightweight and easier to recycle – well easier than a trip to the bottle bank, for sure.
Cans also protect beer from the effects of sunlight which, in bottles, can create an off-flavour and smell (often described as skunky). One downside, however, is that they’re more pricey than before, with most craft cans selling at about €3.
Dublin brewery Rascals recently released Wunderbar, a delicious 6 per cent German IPA – in a can – with a mandarin and grapefruit aroma and a bright, golden hue. Also worth checking out is Whiplash’s Rollover Session IPA which has a strong juicy aroma and, for a 3.8 per cent beer, great mouthfeel and flavour.
The big question, of course, remains. Does beer taste better out of a can or a bottle? Well, you decide.