What are you thankful for this year? Share your stories

It’s Thanksgiving in the US on Thursday. Let us know what you’re grateful for

What are you grateful for this year? Photograph: iStock/Getty Images
What are you grateful for this year? Photograph: iStock/Getty Images

This Thursday is Thanksgiving in the US, when families and friends gather to express their gratitude for good things that have happened this year, and give to those who are less fortunate.

Irish Times Abroad is inviting readers living in the US to tell us what they are grateful for in 2017. Has something happened this year that makes you feel lucky, happy or fortunate, or has given you a new perspective? You can contribute your stories and thankful thoughts (max 200 words) using the form below.

Please include a line about you - where you live, what you do, and if you are based in the US, what your plans are for Thanksgiving. A photograph is optional.

A selection of stories will be published on irishtimes.com on Thursday. We regret that it will not be possible to publish them all.


Thank you.