Irish in US: Has your America changed since Trump’s election?

We want to hear from readers about how their view of the US may have shifted

Photograph: Rick Wilking/Reuters

November 8th marks one year since Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. Irish Times Abroad would like to hear from our readers living there about if and how America has changed for you in the past 12 months. Has your perspective on American politics, and the American public changed? Have your views on Trump changed? Have your own plans for staying or leaving the US changed? How do you think the remainder of his term will pan out?

To contribute, enter your story and opinions using the form below. Please include a few lines about you - where you are from in Ireland, when you moved to the US and why, where you live now, and what you do there. A photo of you is optional.

A selection of contributions will be published online next week.

Alternatively, you can send your submissions by email to


Thank you.