Irish in Canada: Have you become a Canadian citizen?

Tell us how the country has become home in advance of Canada Day

What makes Canada special for you?

With Canada Day approaching next week, Irish Times Abroad is putting together a special package on the Irish who have made the country their home. We are looking for Irish people who are now also Canadian citizens - whether you moved there five years ago or 50 - to tell us about your journey there and how Canada became home for you.

You may like to write about how different Canada seemed to Ireland when you arrived first, how you settled in and put down roots, any challenges you might have faced, any funny or moving events that happened along the way, how you became a citizen, your relationship with the country now, what you love most about Canada/Canadians…

If you would like to share your story, please submit 400 words or less, plus a photograph, to

Please include the year you arrived in Canada, the year you became a citizen, your occupation, where you are originally from, and where you live now.


We regret that we may not be able to use every story we receive, but a selection will be published in print and/or online for Canada Day on July 1st.