Irish in Britain: How do you envisage life after Brexit?

What do you think of the negotiations so far, and how they might impact your life?

Have you noticed or are you concerned about any increase in anti-Irish feeling from people who are strongly in support of Brexit?

The countdown is on: Britain will leave the European Union in March 2019. Some progress has been made in recent days between UK and EU negotiators on the deal,including agreement on a transition period up to December 2020 to apply after Brexit.

The Irish Times would like to hear from readers living in the UK. Have the progress of the EU/UK negotiations given you any more faith about life after Brexit? What is your attitude to the way in which the Irish Government has handled matters? Have you noticed or are you concerned about any increase in anti-Irish feeling from people who are strongly in support of Brexit? Are you thinking more about leaving? Do you feel less welcome, or no change? What general sentiment do you notice amongst the Irish in Britain - do many support Brexit?

Share your views using the form above. Please include a line about you - where you are from originally, where you live now and what you do - and attach a photograph if you have one.

A selection of responses may be published as part of our Brexit coverage.


Thank you.