This generously sized travel bag will hold all your beauty essentials in waterproof style.
Dolorous Weekend Beauty Bag

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Refresh holiday hair with Sebastian Drynamic, a dry shampoo without the usual tacky side effects. €18.44 at selected salons

Applied to temples and wrists,
Aromatherapy Associates Deep Relax Balm
helps to aid sleep after a restless journey. €26
[ aromatherapyassociates.comOpens in new window ]
Save space and time with a does-it-all cream. Garniers Miracle Skin Cream is packed with vitamins, peptides and SPF 20. €19.99 at pharmacies.

Here’s a great travel standby:
Jane Iredale’s Magic Mitt
removes make up completely – no cleanser needed. €22.10
[ feelunique.comOpens in new window ]
Cool things down with Caudalie Beauty Elixir, a treatment mist that refreshes skin and sets make up. €12.60, Arnotts

Summer and oily skin are not the best of friends - making a swithch to a mineral foundation which absorbs oil and gives a natural outdoorsy finish.
Pur 4-in-1 formuala Compact Foundation
, €33, Marks and Spencer