A lack of fluency in English is seriously impacting Syrian refugees’ ability to integrate into Irish society and access the labour market, a new report from the Department of Children, Equality and Integration has warned.
The study, which examines the experiences of 153 Syrian refugees who arrived in Ireland between 2015 and 2019, and carried out by the International Organisation for Migration, found that despite Syrians’ “overwhelming enthusiasm” to learn English, language provisions and supports were “not able to keep pace” with the demands refugees face in acquiring a new language and using it daily.
This affects their ability to apply for jobs, participate in the labour market and access higher or further education courses, according to the Voices of Syrians — Resettled Refugees in Ireland study published on Thursday.
A total of 2,184 Syrians have been resettled in Ireland from Lebanon and Jordan under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP), which was established in 2015 in response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in southern Europe. This includes 76 Syrian refugees who arrived in Ireland from Beirut in May 2022. Another 470 Syrians, who were selected in Lebanon and Jordan last year, are expected to arrive in the coming months.
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Today’s report, which explores the challenges resettled refugees face in Ireland, warns that Covid-19 restrictions badly affected Syrians’ efforts to learn and improve their English in recent years.
Refugees had “less opportunities to interact, practice their English, or make new social connections” during the pandemic, while access to work, housing, education, health and social care and leisure was also affected by Covid-19, it says.
Languages classes were cut from 20 hours to two online hours per week, while only a quarter of participants said they had access to a laptop or computer, which was often shared in the family.
Researchers observed “significant disempowerment among migrants” during the pandemic and found refugees with poor language skills are “most at risk of exclusion and long-term dependency”.
Mental health remains a key concern among many Syrian refugees, while most participants in the research said they had not worked since arriving in Ireland — only 11 per cent of men had undertaken some form of employment while 98 per cent of women had not worked in Ireland.
All 153 participants said they wanted to engage in paid work but that English language struggles, a lack of references, non-recognition of their Syrian qualifications and prior experience, childcare responsibilities and healthcare issues created barriers to accessing employment.
According to the report, it can take more than five years for refugees to secure employment after arriving in Europe because of the time it takes to develop English and gain qualifications. For some, it can take 15 years or longer to reach similar employment rates as native born people.
The study also said access to interpreters for Syrian refugees, particularly in healthcare settings, is “inconsistent and frequently falls below standards established in the Irish health system”. Families often end up paying unqualified and inexperienced interpreters, or asking friends and family members for help, because GPs and hospitals refuse to fund professional interpreters within their own budgets, it adds. In some cases, children interpret for their parents in hospitals, something the HSE explicitly warns against.
Some two-thirds of participants said securing a house was their “best moment” since arriving in Ireland and helped them feel confident about their future here. However, with most Syrian refugees resettled in rural areas, there are not always suitable opportunities for work in the locality. The cost of travel and limited public transport options also restrict job opportunities for those without a car, according to the study.
Parents interviewed reported feeling “mostly happy” with their children’s experiences in Irish schools and integration with classmates.
Some 95 per cent of participants said they feel a sense of belonging in their neighbourhood and “overwhelmingly talked about the support and kindness of Irish people”. Almost everyone said they considered Ireland to be their home now and expressed a strong sense of commitment to increase their independence and become “fully engaged citizens”.