Fate of Amhrán na bhFiann in a united Ireland discussed at Irish Times Debate

Eleven speakers spoke for and against the proposition that ‘this house believes that to achieve a united Ireland Amhrán na bhFiann would have to go’

Oliver McKenna of Munster Technological University alongside Owen O'Grady and Rob Fitzpatrick of UCD L&H at The Irish Times Debate semi-finals at the Royal Irish Academy on Friday night. Photograph: Tom Honan
Oliver McKenna of Munster Technological University alongside Owen O'Grady and Rob Fitzpatrick of UCD L&H at The Irish Times Debate semi-finals at the Royal Irish Academy on Friday night. Photograph: Tom Honan

An Irish Times poll last month showed that the Southern public have an emotional attachment to the Tricolour and Amhrán na bhFiann. Almost half (47 per cent and 48 per cent respectively) say that losing either or both would make them less likely to vote for a united Ireland.

The thorny subject of the anthem and its place in a united Ireland, were that ever to come about, exercised the speakers at the second semi-final of the annual Irish Times Debate on Friday at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin.

The debates are sponsored by the Analysing and Researching Ireland North and South (Arins project) and the themes this year are on the prospect of Irish unity and what a united Ireland might look like.

Royal Irish Academy ,Dawson Street,Dublin.
The Irish Times Debate Semi-Finals 2023
MOTION: This House Believes that to achieve
a united Ireland Amhrán na bhFiann would have to go.
Chairperson: Patrick Geoghegan 
Professor in Modern History, Trinity College Dublin  
Photo: Tom Honan for The Irish Times.
20/01/2023 Royal Irish Academy ,Dawson Street,Dublin. -NEWS- The Irish Times Debate Semi-Finals 2023 MOTION: This House Believes that to achieve a united Ireland Amhrán na bhFiann would have to go. Chairperson: Patrick Geoghegan  Professor in Modern History, Trinity College Dublin   Photo: Tom Honan for The Irish Times.

Eleven speakers spoke for and against the proposition that “this house believes that to achieve a united Ireland Amhrán na bhFiann would have to go”. The speakers were from UCD L & , UCD LawSoc, Maynooth L & , the Solicitors’ Apprentice Debating Society of Ireland (Sadsi), the Munster Technological University (MTU) and UCC Philosoph.


Those who were against the removal of the anthem stated that it was important symbolically, removing it would be unlikely to be reciprocated in any way and would not persuade unionists to vote for a united Ireland.

Those in favour of its removal believed it would be a significant gesture and a realisation that a united Ireland would not simply be a case of the Republic subsuming the North but a new state.

UCD’s L & ’s Owen O’Grady and Rob Fitzpatrick made it through to the team competition. They spoke for the proposition, as did MTU’s Oliver McKenna, who described himself as a Luke Kelly without the singing voice. He made it through to the individual final.

Rob Fitzpatrick and Owen O'Grady of UCD's L&H pictured after won a place in the final. Photograph: Tom Honan
Rob Fitzpatrick and Owen O'Grady of UCD's L&H pictured after won a place in the final. Photograph: Tom Honan

Friday’s debate was chaired by Patrick Geoghegan, professor in modern history at Trinity College Dublin. The judging panel included Conor White (team winner 2022), Ross Merriman (team winner 2022), Lucy Murphy (convenor, 2019), Rory Montgomery, former permanent representative to the European Union and ambassador to France, and Bernice Harrison, Irish Times journalist and co-host of In the News podcast.

The remaining semi-finals are due to take place on January 27th and February 3rd.

Motions due to be debated at the other semi-finals include whether unity would threaten the economic interests of the island, and whether young people have “forgotten the lessons of the Troubles”.

The longest running third-level debating competition, The Irish Times debate is in its 63rd year.

Previous winners include broadcaster Marian Finucane, comedian Dara Ó Briain, writer Gerry Stembridge and the late Adrian Hardiman.

Members of the public can attend the debates, with tickets available to book free of charge at: irishtimes.com/events

Prof Patrick Geoghegan of Trinity College Dublin, Bernice Harrison, Irish Times journalist and co-host of In the News podcast, with Owen O'Grady and Rob Fitzpatrick of UCD L&H at The Irish Times Debate semi-finals. 
Photograph: Tom Honan for The Irish Times.
Prof Patrick Geoghegan of Trinity College Dublin, Bernice Harrison, Irish Times journalist and co-host of In the News podcast, with Owen O'Grady and Rob Fitzpatrick of UCD L&H at The Irish Times Debate semi-finals. Photograph: Tom Honan for The Irish Times.
The Irish Times Debate semi-final 2023 discussed the motion that "this house believes that to achieve a united Ireland Amhrán na bhFiann would have to go." Photograph: Tom Honan
The Irish Times Debate semi-final 2023 discussed the motion that "this house believes that to achieve a united Ireland Amhrán na bhFiann would have to go." Photograph: Tom Honan
Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times