Ireland weather: Cooler conditions on way but St Patrick’s Day set to be dry

Little rain forecast for coming days but any that falls overnight could land as sleet or snow

St Patrick’s Day looks like it will be dry with daytime highs of between 7 and 10 degrees. Photograph: Alan Betson
St Patrick’s Day looks like it will be dry with daytime highs of between 7 and 10 degrees. Photograph: Alan Betson

St Patrick’s weekend looks like it will be dry but chilly for the time of year.

After glorious sunshine and temperatures up to 16 degrees nationwide on Monday, the rest of the week will feel a lot cooler with freezing temperatures in midland areas overnight until Saturday night.

There will be daytime highs of just 6 to 9 degrees, but the wind chill factor will make it feel a lot colder than that. Temperatures will feel closer to freezing during the day in the Border counties.

Any rain that falls overnight could land as sleet or snow and there will be frost. However, there is little rain forecast for the coming days.


There will be a slight rise in temperatures over the weekend, but critically St Patrick’s Day looks like it will be dry with daytime highs of between 7 and 10 degrees.

There is a slight chance of showers on that day, but where and when they will fall will not become clearer until closer to the time.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times