Have your say: Have you been let down by your car insurer following an incident?

Has your insurer actively worked against your interests? One reader who caused €260 worth of damage saw their insurer pay out €1,602

Car insurance: We’d like to hear about your experiences with your car insurer. Photograph: iStock

In a recent Pricewatch article, a reader named Claire outlined how her insurer paid out on a claim after an incident that caused minimal damage to another other party’s vehicle. Both parties knew each other and they both agreed on €260 for the scrape caused by the reader. However, then the other driver also claimed that she would need a new child car seat following the incident. Claire phoned up and informed her insurance company of what was going on and how on advice from the Road Safety Authority, a new car seat was not needed. Regardless, Claire’s insurer paid out €1,602.13 to the other driver. As a result, her no-claims bonus will be lost and her insurance premium will be raised “as a result of this nasty turn of events”.

Ireland’s ‘sick’ car insurance system: A scrape involving two drivers who know each other turns ‘nasty’Opens in new window ]

Have you ever been involved in a minor road incident? We’d like to hear about your experiences with your car insurer following an incident. Did you feel your insurer acted unfairly towards you or simply did not do enough to establish the facts of the incident? Did you insurer actively work against the interest of you, its customer? Do you feel your insurance company overpaid on a claim in order to close the case? How were your annual premiums impacted?

You can let us know what you think using the form below. Please limit your submissions to 400 words or less. Please include a phone number for verification purposes only. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission – we will keep your name and contact details confidential.

We will curate a selection of submissions for an article but please note we may not publish every submission we receive.