Gardaí conclude forensic examination of Creeslough explosion site

Investigation into the cause of the explosion is ongoing, investigators said

Road traffic diversions previously in place around the scene are being removed from today. File image: PA

Gardaí say they have concluded their forensic examination of the scene of the explosion in Creeslough, Co Donegal last month which claimed the lives of ten people.

In a statement on Thursday, An Garda Síochána said the overall investigation into the cause of the explosion on October 7th was ongoing.

With effect from 12.30pm today the road traffic diversions previously in place around the scene will be removed. The forensic examination was carried out by gardaí, assisted by the Health and Safety Authority and the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities.

In its statement, the Garda said it would like to thank the community for its assistance and cooperation during the period of scene examination. “Our thoughts continue to be with the families of the deceased, and all those injured and affected by this occurrence.”


Ten people were killed, including two teenagers and a young girl, following an explosion at the building complex. The blast destroyed an Applegreen service station and caused a section of an adjacent apartment block to collapse.

Initial indications suggest it was caused by an issue with gas storage in an apartment beside the petrol station. Nothing has been uncovered so far to suggest foul play was a factor.