This focaccia is easy to make, with minimum hands-on time

Lilly Higgins: A lovely savoury bake to make over the Easter holidays that will soon become a family favourite

Focaccia is so versatile, use this as your basic recipe and add your own twist

Rosemary and garlic is such a classic combination for Easter. It is also an ideal flavour combination for one of my favourite Italian breads, focaccia. This focaccia is easy to make, with minimum hands-on time – it can even be left to prove in the fridge overnight. The garlic and rosemary flavour is incredible because the oil is slowly infused over a low heat.

Cut into large squares and sliced horizontally, this focaccia makes the most epic Easter sandwich with leftover roast lamb, mint sauce swirled with mayonnaise and a handful of rocket or salad leaves. It’s also the perfect side to most tomato-based Italian dishes such as meatballs or spaghetti bolognese, used to mop up those sauces. I love it with tomato and basil soup too. It can be frozen in slices for whenever you need some full-flavoured, bubbled bread.

Focaccia is so versatile, use this as your basic recipe and add your own twist. Olives, cherry tomatoes or chopped sun-dried tomatoes are all delicious additions. You can even spread the dough thinly and dimple it with your fingers to make pizzas. I often double this dough recipe so I have enough for a few days of dinners.

Use a good olive oil for this focaccia. It really helps the texture and flavour of the finished loaf. Dried herbs can be used in place of fresh, just use a little less as they’re so concentrated.


This focaccia is a lovely savoury bake to make over the Easter holidays and will soon become a family favourite.

Recipe: Focaccia with rosemary and garlic

Lilly’s kitchen tips

  1. Leftover focaccia makes perfect croutons for soups or salads. Simply cube the bread and drizzle with a little olive oil. Bake in the oven on a low heat till crisp.
  2. Make double the amount of infused garlic oil, it is so handy to have for salad dressings, cooking roast potatoes or home-made mayonnaise.
  3. For an even more developed flavour make this bread up to three days in advance and leave to prove in the fridge.