It’s only words: choose your most hated word of 2014

What are the uncool, annoying words that leave you feeling a little dirty?

If there’s a word that makes you “cringe” (yep, that’s on the list) please cast your votes below and we’ll announce our banned word of 2015 next Wednesday, November 19th.

They’re the words that stick in your throat. The ones that leave you feeling a little dirty. The ones you’re definitely too old to use. The uncool. The annoying.

US magazine Time is doing its annual readers’ poll of words and phrases that should be “banned” from the English language. They’ve got themselves in hot water this year by including the word “feminist” alongside more worthy-looking contenders like “said no one ever” and “kale”.Naturally, they’re using that tool of super-calm thoughtfulness - the internet - to let people vote, so “feminist” is currently riding high to be banned. Previously, Time has banned the acronyms OMG (Oh My God, M’ludd), YOLO (no really, you so do) and the word twerk.

Well, we've embraced hot-dogs, televised presidential debates and Kim Kardashian's derriere, so it is only natural that The Irish Times is choosing to go more Boston than Berlin and asking you to choose the word you'd most like to ban in 2014. So if it's making you "cringe" (yep, that's on the list) please cast your votes below and we'll announce our banned word of 2015 next Wednesday, November 19th.

Words to consider…..


Pulled pork

When your local chipper starts peddling this meaty hipster delight, it is surely time to move on. Stick it in a lightly floured bap, stick it in a crusty roll, stick it somewhere the sun doesn’t shine. You decide.


Is this going to turn in to a hipster knocking shop. #whyyesitis. #stopprefacingyoureveryremarkwiththisfreeadfortwitter


We’ve had enough. Really enough.


Well, this is awkward

Dress to impress

This one is for the ladies. Natch. Men can look away now and continue to rock their grey/blue/black two-piece suits (please note: pale blue shirt is not obligatory, but would be nice). Women, on the other hand, should spend most of their waking moments thinking about shoes. Looking good in the office is your duty - and your only way to equality. Tip: a blow dry will last you all day.


Not a Russian horse-drawn sleigh, not a Russian folk dance, and yet totally from Europe with love. In Dublin again last week, the troika is made up of officials from the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. The troika's review of Ireland's three-year rescue programme came to an end almost one year ago, but they are still back twice a year to check we are still on track to pay back at least 75 per cent of the €67.5 billion emergency loan package we got from Europe. We're not sure banning the word "troika" will bring these visits to an end. You can try.

First world problems

See above


See above. Yet a mortgage is no luxury of the decadent West when you can’t get a financial institution to lend you the cash to put a very small roof over your head or when you can’t sell the three-bedroom you bought on that estate in the Midlands, the one you have to leave at 6am with your toddlers to get them to the crèche. As for mortgage rates…. go figure.


Choose me, this word screams out, just, like, totes for the LOLS


An acronym that does exactly what it says on the tin. But there again, OMG, they all do. Oh, Just F**King Google It!

If you’ve got more… let us know.