Conradh na Gaeilge pushes Irish as an election issue

Group asking questions of politicians, North and South

Cóilín Ó Cearbhaill – president of Conradh na Gaeilge

Conradh na Gaeilge is calling on candidates in the local and European elections to show their support for the Irish language and for voters to record their responses at

President of Conradh na Gaeilge, Mr Cóilín Ó Cearbhaill, said that they were collating information on attitudes to the language and that they would “publish and circulate the names of candidates who choose a future for our language among the Irish-speaking and Gaeltacht community in recognition of their official support”.

The group was also asking candidates about services in Irish from local authoritites and what their views were on ending “the current derogation on the status of the Irish language in the European Union by the end of 2016”.

General Secretary of Conradh na Gaeilge, Mr Julian de Spáinn, said it was “a pivotal time for the Irish language” and that Irish speakers needed “to stand together to ensure that the necessary support for the language is forthcoming from our future politicians, in Ireland and in Europe, before they are elected”.


He urged voters to question candidates about local bilingual signage, accommodation for Irish-medium schools or Irish-language centres and other basic services that might promote Irish. He also said that they would be asking candidates in the North whether or not they would be willing to support an Irish-Language Act through Westminster.

Pól Ó Muirí

Pól Ó Muirí

Pól Ó Muirí is a former Irish-language editor of The Irish Times