
Lir Theatre ***

Lir Theatre ***

FIVE MEMBERS of a cult are awaiting ascension to Petopia, but their ceremony has not gone according to plan. The Future Architects of Tomorrow are hoping to follow Leader Peter into the promised land, but something has gone awry, and rather than finding themselves on an interstellar utopia, they are now locked in a barn.

This is rich source material for Diet of Worms to work with: ego, neuroses, cults, fanaticism, power struggles. With so many ripe targets, it’s hard to know where to start landing the comedy punches.

When it’s good, this show is self-aware and sharp. Shane Langan is the standout cast member as the crushingly meek Shirley, who found himself bullied into the cult by default after going out to buy a pint of milk. He doesn’t get the best lines, but his delivery and timing mean he certainly gets the best laughs.


The jokes are not revolutionary, and given the source material the comedy should be much more aggressive. This, though, is comedy at the fun and spoofy end of the scale, and the crowd lapped it up. Those looking for darker, more acerbic dogma will have to worship at a different altar.

Runs until Saturday