Cactus: The Seduction

New Theatre, Temple Bar

New Theatre, Temple Bar

Jonno Katz is trying to cover a lot of bases bases with

Cactus: The Seduction

. The main plot follows Phil, a New Zealander taking a journey through the desert of his own mind. This is a one-man show of energy and ambition, and Katz is an adept physical performer, contorting and comporting himself around the stage. He flickers between three characters mid-conversation with three different accents, without breaking his lines or allowing breathlessness to swallow up what at times is some killer, clever dialogue. When he concentrates on the more off-kilter elements and employs his physical abilities, Katz is on to a rich comedy seam – the highlight of the show is when he acts out a bloody, monster-strewn dream of the play’s most uptight, sexually repressed character. However, Katz can’t resist going for some easy laughs to lighten the load, and some of his audience-participation routines feel forced and unoriginal. This, though, is a high-octane 50 minutes of quality comedy that builds strongly to a cracking finish. Expect this show to sell strongly as the word gets out.


Runs until Saturday
