Vivaldi: A Tale of Two Seasons

A Tale of Two Seasons
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Artist: Sally Bruce-Payne, La Serenissima, Adrian Chandler, Antonio Vivaldi
Genre: Classical
Label: AVIE

Violinist Adrian Chandler, director of the period instruments ensemble La Serenissima, is nothing if not crafty in devising fresh ways of presenting the music of Vivaldi. His latest disc, A Tale of Two Seasons, is just what it says, a collection offering concertos and arias from the two different years: 1717 (Grosso Mogul Concerto and excerpts from the operas Arsilda and L'Incoronazione di Dario) and 1733 (the violin concertos in B flat, RV367 and in C, RV191, and arias from Motezuma). It's also his first Avie collection to feature arias for mezzo rather than soprano. They're are sung by the penetratingly focused Sally Bruce-Payne, and Chandler exhibits his familiar flair in the concertos.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor