It was all downhill from the moment Tricky declared his new album to be better than his genre-defining debut,
The Bristol man's 10th record can't possibly trump that album's essence, even if he claims it's his "most honest in years". Truthfully,
False Idols
is an uneven effort, front-loaded with Tricky's usual disembodied trip-hop beats and various female vocalists providing ghostly melodies over his slouchy murmur. Things improve as the tracklisting unfurls, with Peter Silberman of US indie band The Antlers providing texture with his strangled warble on
Is That Your Life
interweaves some desperately needed groove with a Nile Rodgers-style guitar motif, but the inclusion of the bizarre
Chinese Interlude
incongruous. Mostly, this is a drab, oddly mechanical collection that perplexes more than it inspires.
Trickysite. com">
Parenthesis, Is That Your Life
Tricky: False Idols